Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Sign up for the SELECT SOCCER BLOWOUT before it's too late!

All past, current, and future Pre K Kickers, ages 5 and 6 are invited to our special Select Soccer Blowout this Thursday, from 9am-12pm in Madison, NJ.  This camp will celebrate soccer on the children's day off from school. 

We will have multiple trainers assisting the children with one-on-one drills, while the tournament takes place.  Spots are limited, so sign up today!

This special event costs only $30 per child.


Monday, September 12, 2011


Pre K Kickers has become the official soccer trainers for the Pre-K and Kindergarten Morris Plains recreation program.  We are very thankful to be given this opportunity, and we plan on having a fantastic Fall season!  With over 100 kids in the program, we are excited to stop traffic on Mountain Way and Hillview Avenue at Simons Park.